Welcome to the Nurses Office
As school nurses we have the privilege to care for your children while they attend school at Waynesburg Central Elementary. Our goal is to provide a healthy and safe environment while the children are in school. Children are excluded from school for the following common diseases/illnesses: Active Head lice, Impetigo, Conjunctivitis ("pink eye"), Ringworm, Scabies, Chickenpox, and if showing or having signs/symptoms of COVID-19. We hope you will find our website helpful and informative. If you do have questions or need to speak to us, please do not hesitate to email or call us during school hours. Our schedules are:
Ms. Cara Smith, RN, CSN
School Nurse 7:45 AM to 3:15 PM
Ms. Corinne McIe
Health Room Assistant
8:30 AM to 1:30 PM
Phone: (724) 852-1852 or (724)627-3081 Ext. 4203
During Remote learning if unable to reach us at the numbers above, please call WCES main office at (724)627-3081 and leave a message with them. A nurse will return your call.
Please provide the school with appropriate Doctor's notes/excuses.
Please be sure to UPDATE Emergency contact numbers so you can be reached in the event your child becomes injured or ill while at school.
(Image above retrieved from: Milan School District)