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Illness and Injury

Accidents, Injuries & Illness of Students

Accidents & illnesses can occur at school and each school has procedures for attending to students who are ill or injured during school hours. These procedures are in the student handbook.  If your child is ill in the morning before school; such as:



red/draining eye


fever of 100 F or more

Please use your best judgment in not sending an ill child to school.  If your child would have the symptoms above during the school day, we will contact you in order to pick your child up.  


Some children have chronic medical conditions that may exhibit some of the above symptoms.  If this applies to your child, please provide the school nurse with Medical Documentation (from your child's physician) letting the school know how to handle these situations.  


It is important to have accurate, complete, updated emergency cards in the nurses office.  These are sent home with the student the first day of school.  Please complete the front and back.  Notify the nurse of any changes to the emergency card (medication changes, health issues, phone or address changes).


If your child is ill or injured at home, please seek attention from your medical provider.

If your child has an injury that requires elevator use, restricted gym and/or recess activity and medication to be given during school hours, please have the medical provider who treated your child provide paper work for the school nurse.  This includes a physician's authorization to use the elevator, to excuse from gym and medication.  Any medication that is given during school hours requires a written physician's authorization and parent consent.  All medication including over the counter medication (such as Tylenol, Ibuprofen, cough drops, etc) require the appropriate paperwork and should be brought to the nurse by an adult in the original labelled container.