Lessons and Activities
1. Mindfulness Activities for Kids
Positive Psychology Mindfulness activities
Pathways2Success 10 Mindfulness Activities to Do Today
Free Remote Wellbeing Resources
Institute of Positive Education Wellbeing Resources
2. Kindness BINGO card
3. Trace the mindful pictures
4. Glitter Jar activity or Find-It Jar
Find-It Jar
- Use an old peanut butter jar...Clean it out :)
- Search for a handful of little items in the house (key, charms, dice, penny, marble, sticker, etc)
- Pour rice and add the items layer by layer. Don't fill the rice to the top...you need room to shake it.
- Seal the top.
- Have fun! Change it up every once and awhile for variety. :)
5. Health, Wellness, and Mindfulness Resources for Home
- Overall Health and Wellness
Mindfulness Resources
Fitness and Exercise at Home
Thanks St. Paul's Troop 40, Scout Hailey for the suggestion of this link. :)