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School Counseling Office Personnel

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Phone: 724-627-3081

Qualifications: Indiana University of PA, BS elementary ed, minor: history California University of PA, M Ed special education Duquesne University, MS Ed school counseling Certified: LPC, NCC

Miss Andrea Buchanan

K-3 Guidance Counselor




Phone: 724-627-3081 (Option 1)...

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Phone: 724-627-3081 ext 4282

Qualifications: Bachelor of Science in Psychology from the University of Pittsburgh Master of Education in School Counseling from California University of Pennsylvania

Mr. Michael Blasinsky

Mr. B's Virtual Office

 I work with students in grades 3, 4, 5, and 6. I teach classroom guidance lessons, facilitate small group sessions, and meet one-on-one with students and parents to assist with academic, behavioral, or social emotional needs.

My classroom guidance lessons cover a variety of topics from social emotional learning to career readiness. All lessons are grounded in the American School Counselor Association National Standards or the Career Education and Work Standards.

I also facilitate small group sessions with students called Lunch Bunch Groups. A small group of 3-6 students eat their lunch with me while we discuss relevent topics such as anxiety, bullying, social skills and emotions.  

I address individual student needs by working very closely with parents, guardians, teachers, and other mental health professionals. I can help connect students and parents to appropriate mental health and/or community programs, when necessary. Students/Guardians can visit Mr. B's Virtual Office (above) and click on me to request a meeting with me. 

Parent involvement and communication is a top priority for me. I do my absolute best to make phone, email, or personal contact with parents. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns any time throughout the school year.  


Office Phone: 724-627-3081 ext. 4282


Mrs. Nicole Rohanna

Guidance Secretary


Phone: 724-627-3081 (Option 1)