Mrs. Shauna Tretinik
Gifted/Enrichment Teacher
Email: stretinik@cgsd.org
Phone: 724-627-3081 *4127
I am prouid to say that I have been teaching at Central Greene School District for over a decade. I grew up in Greene County, graduated from WCHS, and received my bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education from Waynesburg College. All four of my children have graduated from CGSD and have moved on to their successful career paths.
I am the K-12 Gifted/Enrichment instructor at CGSD. I am very committed to providing your child with the best possible educational/enrichment experience. Feel free to email me at anytime with any questions about the program. Email is the best way to reach me as my schedule revolves around the student schedules and varies in each building.
"Every child is gifted.
...They just unwrap their packages at different times."